At St. Lukes, we're committed to providing a supportive and enriching environment for every student. Two critical components of our educational provision are the Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) program and Speech and Language Therapy (SLT). These programs are designed to address the emotional and communication needs of our students, empowering them to achieve their full potential.
Example: EHCP outcome – Social Emotional, Mental Health
[Student] will have a better understanding of his emotions and the affects they have on his body. He will be able to ask for help from an adult to manage his emotions by supporting him to adopt safer ways to express his feelings (e.g. having time out, doing a calming activity).
Below are some activities that have been put in place to support the above EHCP outcome.
Emotions boardgame
Social skills scenarios booklet
The Iceberg
My emotions
Wellbeing catch-up
Speech and Language Therapy
Mrs Jenkins provides intervention support for speech and language. Each term, the student, supported by Mrs Jenkins, hold an online meeting with her S&L Therapist. She reads out the sounds she was previously given to practice in school and at home. She then reads part of her chosen book (currently ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’) for her S&L Therapist to pick up other sounds needing attention.
We then discuss how well she is doing and work out ways to support her with the sounds she is struggling with.
Her school S&L Therapy lessons work as follows –
1. Warm up – selected sounds practice
2. She reads words and identifies the images out loud using the sounds she finds difficult. She then makes a sentence including the words.
3. She then focuses on her chosen book, putting together the sentences and working on key sounds; she must focus on the individual words circled. Once she has completed every page of the book, she will then have her own book to practice at home.
We believe that addressing the emotional and communication needs of our students is fundamental to their overall development and success. The ELSA and Speech and Language Therapy programs are integral parts of our commitment to providing a nurturing and supportive environment.