St. Luke's Academy seeks to maximise the life chances of all of our young people and so it is crucial to prepare young people for life beyond school and college. Careers education does not just mean informing students about their options post 16 but also how their school career will affect their futures. Our curriculum is designed in such a way that students have the opportunity to experience industries such as Construction, Mechanics and Catering.
It is our duty to ensure that all students receive independent, impartial advice and guidance regarding all options within school, how these choices will affect their options after school and which careers pathways will become available to them. By helping students with decisions at crucial stages, informing them of all their options and introducing them to the world of work via experience placements, we aim to prepare them for employment.
Students at St Luke's Academy will receive:
- A structured programme of careers education from years 7 to 11 through the PSHE programme and AQA UAS qualifications. Then with increased Post 16 focus within Work Skills lessons in KS4 which in addition supports BTEC qualifications and transitions.
- Work Skill specific timetabled lessons each week in KS4
- Mock interview with external panel.
- Support with College and apprenticeship applications.
- Transition to adulthood support through EHCP annual reviews from year 9.
- Work Experience in Yr10, with possible extension into Yr11.
- Visits to local employers to see career opportunities in the work place.
- Links with the local colleges and visits to post-16 sites.
Moving forward, St Luke's Academy will be establishing:
Career Pilot website to access various career pathways and industry opportunities, this will be used during lessons and any intervention time for our students to use to explore the world of work.
Parent zone: Parent Zone - Career Pilot
St Luke's Academy Careers Plan & Careers Programme
Work Experience
Where it is possible and appropriate, students at St Luke's Academy have the opportunity to complete work experience. This enables students to gain skills in a real-world work environment. As well as providing an opportunity for experience to be put on a student's CV, work experience placements help them to develop their professionalism, interpersonal skills, and their problem-solving abilities.
Work experience is an integral part of our students' entitlement to CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance); providing a key opportunity to support students in preparing for the next stage in their education, employment or training.
Work experience gives young people insight into the world of work, encourages them to aspire to great things, and helps them to prepare for their future. It bridges the gap between school, college and work and helps young people make decisions about their future and develop new and existing skills.
The opportunity to participate in work experience is provided to all students and provision is made to allow all students to access work experience placements. Students are encouraged to find placements linked to career paths that suit their interests, skills and strengths with the absence of stereotypes, which are actively challenged.
Work Experience should:
- Enhance students' knowledge of the world of work
- Develop students' employability skills
- Provide an insight into the skills, qualities and attitudes required by particular sectors and employers
- Provide opportunities for personal and social development - including self-confidence, time management, personal organisation and resilience
- Help prepare students for the world of work
- Enable students to make cross-curricular links
- Support the School's CEIAG provision
- Provide students with an opportunity for self-evaluation.
When organising work experience placements we currently use CSW to help make these selections and to ensure all health and safety requirements are met. For more information please see CSW website.
Careers Lead:
Mr Craig Kent
01793 705566